Press articles about Artist / Don Quixote
Frankfurter Rundschau, 24.9.2019
Art against windmills
Damian Rausch describes the international artist project as an idea that uses the novel “Don Quixote” as a foil. It’s all about banal questions of life, up to locating the existence of artists in modern society. Ahmad Rafi, Vollrad Kutscher, Karin Hoerler and Bernardi Roig are quoted and their works described.
The photo shows a view at two video projections by Bernardi Roig.
Link to pdf-document (German)
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 4.8.2019
In the windmill fight a happy person
Wolfram Schütte writes about the significance of the novel “Don Quixote” as Cervante’s self-portrait and thus also aims at the self-reflective depictions of the exhibiting artists. Leading to the blissful Sisyphus.
Even the fact that Vollrad Kutscher’s wax figure in the installation “The Queen of Saba” accidentally shattered into pieces just before the opening, is appreciated. The photo shows this installation.
Link to the online article (German)
Main Echo on Friday, 22.7.2019
Artist as a tightrope walker between fact and fake
Exhibition: The Neue Kunstverein Aschaffenburg shows the show “Artist / Don Quixote” in Kunstlanding
Article by Melanie Pollinger about the exhibition in Aschaffenburg, with photos of the opening and text about individual artists.
Link to the online article (German)